Loans Issued via AI Underwriting to Reach USD315 Billion by 2025: Juniper Research
HAMPSHIRE, UK–A new study from Juniper Research has found that the value of unsecured loans issued via artificial intelligence (AI)-using underwriting platforms will grow by an astounding 1,200 percent over the next five years, from USD24 billion in 2020 to USD315 billion in 2025. This extraordinary growth will be driven, …
FCT, Opta to Provide Data-Driven Property Industry Products
OAKVILLE, ON–FCT, which provides title insurance and real estate technology, and Opta Information Intelligence Inc., a supplier of Canadian property location intelligence, have partnered to deliver data-driven products to the financial services industry. Through this exclusive partnership, FCT will leverage data assets, products, and resources to significantly increase the efficiency …

First National to Provide Mortgage Underwriting Processing Services to Manulife Bank
TORONTO, ON–First National Financial LP has entered into an agreement with Manulife Bank of Canada to provide underwriting and fulfillment processing services for mortgages originated by Manulife Bank through the residential mortgage broker channel in Ontario and Atlantic Canada. Under the strategic agreement, First National will employ a customized software …