Cyber Resilience for the Financial Sector: Solutions for Current and Emerging Challenges
By Ruchir Kumar A recent ISA Cybersecurity survey revealed that 76 percent of Canadians polled are concerned about their financial institution’s ability to maintain the security of their personal information. Their concerns aren’t unfounded: 32 percent of financial services organizations in 2023 global survey on the state of security reported …

Finding Growth Opportunities in Canada’s High Inflation, Low Growth Economy
By Stephen Johnston As Canada confronts the dual challenges of high inflation and low growth, the specter of stagflation looms large. Stagflation, which refers to below-trend economic growth combined with above-trend inflation, erodes real GDP per capita and poses significant challenges for investors. The current macroeconomic and regulatory environment in …

Interac survey reveals newcomers lose financial confidence after arrival in Canada
Decreased confidence underscores urgency for effective resources TORONTO, ON–Newcomers are experiencing challenges with their financial confidence. A recent survey by Interac Corp. reveals that starting a new life in Canada can cause a significant drop in financial confidence for newcomers. While a majority (61 per cent) of newcomers surveyed felt …

by Sandrine Garin, CPO at Intix After several false starts, Canada finally appears to be on the path towards the widespread adoption of ISO 20022, the international standard for electronic data interchange in financial services. At the time of writing, Canadian businesses are in the midst of embracing this standard …

Overall financial health of Canadian DB pension plans remains strong: Mercer
TORONTO, ON–The financial health of Canadian defined benefit (DB) plans was volatile in the second quarter of 2024, with plans’ overall funded positions at the end of the quarter in a position similar to that at the beginning of the quarter. The Mercer Pension Health Pulse (MPHP), a measure that …

Five Canadian cities ranked among most expensive in the world for international employees; Hong Kong is leader
Determinations come from Mercer’s 2024 Cost of Living City Ranking TORONTO, ON–For the third consecutive year, Toronto is the most expensive city in Canada for international employees, according to the results of Mercer’s new 2024 Cost of Living City Ranking. Mercer, a business of Marsh McLennan and a global leader …

Less than one-in-ten Canadians believe we’ll avoid a recession in the next 12 months; Nearly half of Canadians think that lawyers and notaries would benefit from incorporating more technology into their services TORONTO, ON–Canadians remain seriously concerned about the state of the economy heading into 2024, but their patience for …

New survey data highlights potential for Canadian SMEs to increase efficiency
More than half (60 percent) of businesses believe that they will struggle to survive if they they do not embrace digital technology EDMONTON, AB–Canadian Western Bank (CWB) released its new study: Modernizing cash flow management, how technology supports growth among Canada’s small and medium-sized businesses. The report reveals that almost …

ADP Canada Happiness@Work Index: Workers’ Sentiment Plateaus in October
October sees levels of satisfaction remain stagnant, with the exception of a few positive indicators across regions TORONTO, ON–The ADP Canada monthly Happiness@Work Index for October remains the same as September, still measuring on par with the Index benchmark of 6.7/10 from November 2022. The only workers reporting a decrease …

DXC Technology Predicts Five Ways Software Will Accelerate Sustainability in the Next Five Years
Software-driven innovation will be an enabler for the radical transformation needed to create a climate-secure future LONDON, UK–DXC Technology, a leading Fortune 500 global technology services company, has forecast five ways software will help create a more sustainable future in the next five years. “Technology has an outsized role in …